Cupping in a sentence as a noun

", and with a gesture, cupping his hand under his chin and flicking his fingers out.

I've been paying more attention to flavours since the cupping.

Most roasters worth discussing use a process called "cupping" to profile their coffees.

This reminds me a whole lot of traditional wet cupping techniques.

For a second I thought he was tortured with cupping glasses, but no, that seems to have been self-inflicted torture...

[1] As opposed to regular cupping, which uses suction to break capillaries, bruising the skin.

We had a little seminar on taste, and did a few taste recognising exercises before doing the cupping.

>> What's wrong with just cupping up the water in your hands and licking it up like a cat?This one's obvious; your tongue can't hold water the way a cat's does.

The teardrop shape and camber/cupping underneath just make the winds more efficient at slicing through the air without creating as much turbulence and drag.

In my neighborhood there's a local acupuncturist that does Hijama, aka "wet cupping"[1], which is literally bloodletting.

I usually peruse their latest arrivals and pick a pound or two of several different varieties, based on their cupping notes to get an idea of the expected flavor profile.

This is called Camber, and in a nutshell it creates a "cupping" effect under the wing that intensifies the high-pressure area under the wing and correspondingly increases the amount of air deflected downward.

"No, they learn whether they experience pareidolia or not, and that's how **** like homeopathy, cupping, rebalancing the humours, and, oh, every other non-scientific "modality" of "treatment" which doesn't work gets started.

Cupping definitions


a treatment in which evacuated cups are applied to the skin to draw blood through the surface