Cupboard in a sentence as a noun

If you cook and use flavorings, take a look in your cupboard and check out the ingredients.

You don't read carpenters writing they'll ditch hammers for screwdrivers because the old cupboard they are fixing uses nails.

" If it turns out snowden was hiding in a cupboard millenium falcon style I might actually die laughing.

I'm kind of hoping that when they get the plane "home", it turns out he actually was in there, and they show him popping out of a cupboard on live TV.

He would respond "Well, you can help yourselves to the food in my cupboard"... which was, in total, one lemon and a quarter-kilo of flour.

They'll know, for example, that the dog food is kept in a sealed plastic container in the bottom drawer of the leftmost cupboard in the kitchen.

And you read better carpenters that debate how cupboards are designed, because it is ultimately more important than whether they are glued, nailed or screwed.

Be careful period - The continual vomitting from dawn till dusk caused me to leave the lights off to let my wife rest while I got dressed one AM. I bent over, eye butted the cupboard door, broke my lower orbital floor and bled into my sinus for about 2 weeks.

If you look around the office and note that everybody is here except Alice and Bob, then you could hypothesize that maybe Alice and Bob are off somewhere together in a stationery cupboard smooching.

Cupboard definitions


a small room (or recess) or cabinet used for storage space

See also: closet