Cubbyhole in a sentence as a noun

Back in the old days, you'd leave your will in a cubbyhole of your roll-top desk.

Imagine trying to fit a vault in a cubbyhole meant for shoes.

Then they redefine their cubbyhole for you, unless you entertain or arouse them.

There was the odd squeak from the interior trim when on the move, and some very large gaps around a cubbyhole’s lid.

Perhaps next our intrepid NSA agent will pull a cooldrink from the cubbyhole when the bakkie stops at the robot.

The trick before reading it is not to put the book into a cubbyhole of personal preexisting expectations.

And recall the way they have kept the poor contries down by denial of access - that has kept the third worlders with first world brains, locked in an unethical cubbyhole.

Plus, I don't have any desire to cram my family into a 1,000 square-foot cubbyhole, when we can enjoy seven times the space elsewhere for half the price.

I have read the cubbyhole doc and I understand there are two authentication mechanisms as the doc mentions - machine and user oriented.

I'd think of it more like, if you kept all the coupons in numbered cubbyholes, and each coupon had a post it note with the location of the cubbyhole where the next ordered coupon was.

Rather than build a conveyor belt to each cubbyhole in the warehouse - some of which may not be used for weeks on end - it's much cheaper to have a few robots that go to each spot as needed.

You can sit there in your academic cubbyhole at MIT and rethink all you want; at the end of the day, you need something from halfway across the word that they don't make here, or not at the price you want or other requirements.

Cubbyhole definitions


a small compartment

See also: pigeonhole


a small secluded room

See also: cubby snuggery snug