Cryptograph in a sentence as a noun

Does it disable certain cryptograph modes that are enabled?

Does it enable certain cryptographic modes that are disabled?

Colin, for godssake, take Patrick's advice just as seriously as somebody should take your advice on cryptography.

It manages to explain a bit of the technical side of Bitcoin, without requiring a complete understanding of cryptograph, programming, etc.

Things to remember:* You really want to know whether NSA is directly attacking cryptographic primitives or whether they're subverting endpoints.

I think if you talk to cryptographers, you'll get a slight bias towards the belief that it's the latter: that there are implementation weaknesses at play here more than fundamental breaks in crypto.

The reason that cryptographers laugh at people who advertise "military grade cryptography" or "we use AES256" is because the choice of crypto primitives is often less important than how they're composed.

Perhaps he'd have learned about it sooner had more people learned how cryptography actually works, by coding attacks, rather than reading books and coding crypto tools; after all, Colin circulates the code to Tarsnap so people can find exactly these kinds of bugs.

I just learned about Milagro through this submission and only looked at a fraction of the docs but as someone who is not a cryptographer but put some effort into understanding pairing based cryptograph, I find the documentation excellent so far.> No, No you can't.

Cryptograph definitions


a secret method of writing

See also: cipher cypher


a piece of writing in code or cipher

See also: cryptogram


a device for deciphering codes and ciphers