Crushing in a sentence as a noun

Would he have you do it if he knew it was crushing your soul?I don't use the phrase "crushing your soul" lightly.

I fail to see how the crushing burden of spelling out 'import re' makes regex unacceptably distant in Python.

He now has, in addition to a crushing legal bill, a bill for the time he spent locked up in prison on trumped up charges?Why did this happen?

So, any stance that rejects this fake 'crushing it'[1] mentality is viewed as an indication that you're failing miserably.

Freed of the crushing medical bills, but now with two people working and one less car payment, we finished off our last year of school at a sprint, both got full-time jobs and never looked back.

In the case of MySpace's crushing defeat by Facebook, the difference really was in the details, not in the overall ambitions of the two companies.

Crushing in a sentence as an adjective

Being very successful, really crushing it, and whining to my wife that the company should give more vacation, and her reminding me that I had been at work on Christmas Eve.

Big dreams seem necessary to keep yourself motivated, and to overcome the crushing loneliness and uncertainty that comes with striking out on your own.

It's the soul-crushing pointless work that is so depressing;- This would then create strong economic pressure to finally use technology for what it's good: automatize labor.

You're not only bound by typical consumer-crushing stuff like forced arbitration, but you're also getting into international legal difficulties.

You have to love the media: "The boomers voted themselves healthcare on their kids backs, made their kids go into crushing debt for education, put basic housing out of reach for them and look to be financing their retirement via them.

This story mirrors my startup experience exactly, including the moment where I had to lay off my friends, took a last long look at "our place" before turning the lights off, remembering that this was what I had sacrificed my relationship for, including the ending where I thought of nothing but the crushing mountain of personal debt.

Crushing definitions


forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority; "the suppression of heresy"; "the quelling of the rebellion"; "the stifling of all dissent"

See also: suppression quelling stifling


physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination; "a crushing blow"; "a crushing rejection"; "bone-crushing"

See also: devastating