Crotchety in a sentence as an adjective

Maybe I'm too crotchety and old-school for bitcoin.

To complain about how 'kids have it so easy these days' just makes you sound crotchety.

You aren't arguing with crotchety old geezers or people with stupid hardware choices.

Thank you for making me realize I'm not the only crotchety old bastard who bitches and moans about this!

So in this metaphor, are you the crotchety old man at the mall passing judgement against the teenage girls?

I might be old and crotchety, but that post is the opposite of a distraction-free reading experience.

Pinboard dot com is run by a hilarious, crotchety Linux guy who has been around forever.

Did you ever have a crotchety senior programmer, after being shown a webapp's source code, say "this is terrible.

Now that I'm a crotchety old man, my zeroth rule of presentations is to always use the bathroom before presenting.

I find it useful to read articles by someone who will translate from hipster to crotchety-unix-grey-beard for me.

Most marketing isn't targeted at the niche of crotchety, critical, cynical HN readers.

It's the arrogance and stupidity of youth facing the crotchety crankiness of experience.

Maybe I qualify a a crotchety neophyte?The set of applications I now use has changed quite a lot recently, and now I find myself reevaluating Ubuntu.

Let's hope as a crotchety old man that nobody ever decides to show you what it's like when you're stuck in a nursing home where no one believes or cares to help you because of some stupid reason like that it should toughen you up.

The IT industry is full of crotchety neckbeards with chips on their shoulders who need to be tiptoed around, generally with good reason because when others participate in the work they have created, they feel devalued and lash out.

I guess this is just a sign that I am getting crotchety, but headlines like this just anger me:Why we love/like X, And why you should, tooMy immediate reaction is always something along the lines of, don't presume to tell me why I should like anything.

Between this massive healthcare **** up, the spying, the shutdown, and all the rest that doesn't need mentioning, I am basically becoming a crotchety old conservative who says formulaic things like: "Government can't do anything right"; "Governments never give up power once you let them have it".

Crotchety definitions


having a difficult and contrary disposition; "a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady"- Dorothy Sayers

See also: cantankerous ornery