Crossover in a sentence as a noun

In C, the crossover point when ropes become faster is around 200 bytes.

There's really not a lot of obvious crossover in what they're selling.

I remember a crossover point where I looked at realistic graphics and thought "I could just go outside and go for a run" and then did.

Without any form of crossover, it's just hill-climbing/gradient-descent, it's not really a "genetic algorithm".2.

Many game makers would prefer it if you could charge somewhere around $5 per title and make a decent amount from honest players, but unless you have some uberbrand crossover from console land that's not going to work.

Or is there some amount of crossover between inventing the future and merely playing around?Instead the top comment is the forum analogue of a fluff post: a cynical dismissal based on some presumed bad intention on the writer's part.

Crossover definitions


the interchange of sections between pairing homologous chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis


a voter who is registered as a member of one political party but who votes in the primary of another party


the appropriation of a new style (especially in popular music) by combining elements of different genres in order to appeal to a wider audience; "a jazz-classical crossover album"


a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other

See also: crossing crosswalk