Crocheting in a sentence as a noun

"Do you think crocheting, knitting, bingo, and dancing are honestly good things to put people to do?

Do you think crocheting, knitting, bingo, and dancing are honestly good things to put people to do?

Probably not, most people threat it like gardening, crocheting, or knitting.

Like, 100% on people and networking skills, 0% on animal training skills, 0% on sewing and crocheting skills.

And fangirls - responsible for most of the crocheting and cupcakes.

Whether one chooses to spend their time crocheting or watching TV is a strictly subjective value judgement.

According to you, crocheting, knitting, bingo, and dancing.

I also find manual drafting relaxing, but other hobbies like drawing, knitting, or crocheting can be relaxing non-screen things to do.

Imagine working with Elon Musk who is enthusiastic about chess, crocheting and mushroom picking.

I'm considering crocheting my SSH private key into a blanket, so that I can safely and clandestinely transport it across borders.

Yeah, but I mean, if I took up a sudden interest in crocheting or something and the best way to get connected and start learning was to go to a crocheting convention that's 99% female, I'd feel a little awkward/discouraged.

I had a big long pompous comment here and it's just not as good as tumult's comment, which sums up the situation nicely:"Yeah, but I mean, if I took up a sudden interest in crocheting or something and the best way to get connected and start learning was to go to a crocheting convention that's 99% female, I'd feel a little awkward/discouraged.

Your players will just have to deal with parallel lines diverging, there being unique things like pseudocycles, horocycles, circles with a circumference that grows exponentially with increasing radius, etc. Sadly such geometry isn't supported by any tabletop software I'm familiar with, and crocheting a game board of sufficient size takes a very long time.

Crocheting definitions


needlework done by interlocking looped stitches with a hooked needle

See also: crochet


creating a garment of needlework