Credibly in a sentence as an adverb

Now that windows 8 and mountain lion both for the first time credibly handle HiDpi I agree, it's about time we switched.

In order to make that sort of threat you have to credibly be able to build the capability.

" If you can credibly talk about what was needed to make the deadline and wasn't there, then you can talk to the solution.

More credibly, the "War on Poverty" couldn't compete with the "War on the War on Poverty".It's really simple.

You cannot credibly claim that unions will make any LA-SF project cost $100B, because Mr. Bond Market is about to have a mountain comes to Mohammed moment.

It certainly reads better than "We need to funnel some money to the guys who build the rockets so that, if the Russians get frisky, we can credibly threaten to can end the world.

If you can't quickly, confidently, and credibly answer that question right now you _really_ ought to spend some time working out why, and what you _ought_ to have ready to say to your manager if they propose exactly that.

Question for HN readers outside the US: can you credibly claim your intelligence agencies aren't trying to do the same thing?For those thinking about whether such things could be used inside the United States.

A person who really, really, really needs to move quickly has a way to credibly express that preference over someone who would kind of like an Uber, but could do without - by being willing to pay the higher rate.

Another participant here on HN noticed that the author of the article kindly submitted here has credibly been accused of plagiarism by more than one published author who works harder than he does.

What rate could you have charged them in the middle of that for credibly offering a fix?That's worth a few orders of magnitude more than a lot of work, but there are plenty of companies with revenues in the millions or tens of millions with very specialized IT needs.

Credibly definitions


easy to believe on the basis of available evidence; "he talked plausibly before the committee"; "he will probably win the election"

See also: believably plausibly probably