Credential in a sentence as a noun

New credential systems are created all the time.

Speaking as a graduate of one, top schools teach you credentialing and ladder climbing.

YC is a better example of a credential than a Github account.

It should be crystal clear that most of what you are paying for is the credential, not the education.

Really, if your field allows it, making stuff publicly is the best credential we've got.[1] "It's all who you know?

I'm genuinely curious what this guy's credentials are.

There's too much noise -- the ideas that are listened to are those that come from people who have done soemthing in the past -- a credential.

Great that people might look at your github as a credential, perhaps going a tad too far when people proclaim that Github replaces resumes.

Nowadays, YC's name recongnition functions as a credential as well.

You rely, partially, on the credential received by getting a medical degree and passing the boards.

Rather than promote more useless credentials, it would be more useful and productive to promote fewer.

Like I said in my original post a computer science degree isn't a programming credential.

This isn't a fabricated credential on a resume; it is a lie that makes other people guilty by association.

We should even consider getting rid of degree credentials all together since they don't prove anyone knows anything at all.

Dig a little deeper than the title, and this op-ed only reinforces the reality that credentials and connections matter a lot more than raw skill.

If we're worried about a man-in-the-middle attack sniffing insecure credential on port 80.

".Perhaps the quality of his work matched his obviously high character, regardless of his initial lack of formal credential.

They can see that there are a higher-than-average number of API accesses from a given platform, using the AWS Secret Key as the login credential.

Before I start my reponse proper, I should point out that I know most other browsers, and most add-ons for them that perform the task of storing credentials, do much the same thing and are therefor no less insecure.

The MBA credential is but one special case of general 'degree pollution', overinvestment in credentials as relative-rank signalling.

But, for the set of Harvard attendees who are there to collect the credential and not to start up a company, the value of that credential-qua-credential would decrease in a bubble-deflating scenario].

From the 2011 kernel summit, "The attack turns out to have been part of a widespread credential-stealing network that has been operating for some years now; it is clear that the site had been owned by this network for some time before it was discovered.

The function of credentials is to outsource decision making about quality: you have to actually read code to extract signal about a candidate from Github, a task which is expensive and beyond the capabilities of most investors and people with hiring authority.

The first elite university to break up the monolithic credential into an a la carte system of finer-grained credentials, with high standards backed by the reputation of the institution but open to all, regardless of how they learned the material, will change the world of education forever.

Which is interesting for a couple reasons.- Also, the access they obtained does not lead to root on the Linode host fleet itself, unless they are holding back some extra access they obtained such as a shared password between the ColdFusion stack and administrator credentials for Linode systems, which I consider unlikely for a couple reasons.

Credential definitions


a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts

See also: certificate certification credentials