Creature in a sentence as a noun

I quote his discussion of these creatures below.

My theory is that Fabrice is not human and most likely a creature not of this world.

A creative human brain is a rare and marvelous creature, and we understand very little about how it works.

Zergs have a unit called "the Zergling" which is a small creature that usually attacks buildings and enemy units in groups.

The word "behavior" in this sense, is meant to suggest a range of possible actions that a creature can change without having to change its genes.

Depending on what kind of injury a creature suffers it tracks the damage to individual body part and the results of it.

But as a schizophrenic you are seen as a sub-human creature that should be gotten rid of, and confused with a sociopath or whatever.

Many people mistrust Oracle, and just because one unit within Oracle seems to be trying to do right, it doesn't alter the fundamental nature of that creature.

Such a creature is called a "musimones", as I recently learned from reading "Natural Magicks" by Porta, an endearingly incorrect popular science book from 1584.

The last man is possible only by mankind's having bred an apathetic creature who has no great passion or commitment, who is unable to dream, who merely earns his living and keeps warm.

Yeah with "giant" and "lurking" I was hoping for hints of a planet-sized creature existing in dark matter or some interdimensional plane or extreme wavelength or something.

The technology behind it is amazing, and the company should be applauded for trying to get children interested in neuroscience, but to hijack a living creature like that?

The apparently little creature might use such arguments about the effect of distance, and might appeal to such laws of sight and hearing as I, if unlearned in those things, might be unable wholly to reject.

This results in both unwanted negative and positive attention: but furthermore, continually reinforces the idea that a female is some sort of odd, unusual creature deserving of special study.

Whoever created it could only have been thinking of their bureau's unchecked ability to do what it wanted and not the public's perception of it because the creature, especially its eye, looks menacing, ominous, foreboding, malicious, malevolent, and borderline evil.

But if there were a thousand flies, all buzzing, to appearance, about the great creature; and, to a fly, declaring, each one for himself, that he was bigger than the quadruped; and all giving different and frequently contradictory reasons; and each one despising and opposing the reasons of the others—I should feel quite at my ease.

Adam Smith rants about how division of labor makes people "stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become... But in every improved and civilised society this is the state into which the labouring poor, that is, the great body of the people, must necessarily fall, unless government takes some pains to prevent it.

Creature definitions


a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

See also: animal beast brute fauna


a human being; `wight' is an archaic term

See also: wight


a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else

See also: tool puppet