Crazily in a sentence as an adverb

Also, Russians are pretty crazily racist, so that causes the story to be moot as well.

It's so crazily reductionist, it looks like what a troglodyte like Strom Thurmond might sketch if you had him draw an "Asian-looking mouse".

TB has since folded, mainly due to mismanagement and going crazily over-budget, but they weren't the only people working on it.

It is not fraud because it is legal, even though the law may be crazily ill-advised and pander to a particular constituency.

It presumably is crazily inefficient, but it exists.

This is one of the reasons the cofounder concept is so powerful, it's the reason that incubators help more than do-it-yourself-guys, it's the reason larger communities like SV end up spawning off so many crazily-unique ideas.

What a crazily negative comment on a cool story... So are we to conclude that people shouldn't pursue their dreams?There are really two kinds of dreams: Dreams of arrival, which involve riches and fame and usually end in sorrow; and dreams of process, which involve the simple liberty of doing something interesting with your life.

Crazily definitions


in an insane manner; "she behaved insanely"; "he behaves crazily when he is off his medication"; "the witch cackled madly"; "screaming dementedly"

See also: insanely dementedly madly