Crabby in a sentence as an adjective

Feverish and crabby perhaps, but not aimed at you.

Remember when you were a kid and some crabby old biddy gave you **** for 'wasting your time'?

Apologies, you caught me at a crabby, pedantic moment.

I don't mean to be crabby, but the infographic explicitly mentions that some of the jobs are from the service industry.

I feel pretty crabby about work when I'm working from my home desk, but as this article points out, working at a coffee shop makes my work seem cooler.

They have to respect the purpose of restaurants and the people who run them; otherwise they'll be ineffectively fussy or crabby.

Ah, Hacker News, I always underestimate you. As I was reading the article, I was thinking to myself, there is no way someone can turn this into a negative, cynical, crabby top comment.

Negative, cynical, crabby... Not a single mention of anything in the article, just a bunch of loud complainingYour comment or mine?

I get crabby, but the beauty of seeing Rainier and all the ecotourism and density makes up for everything.

But if you-at-your-worst is somebody who is kind of grumpy and maybe a little bit selfish, you're a whole lot better than somebody who constantly acts like a crabby miser.

There is, no doubt, still room for improvement but my experience has been that forums that are part of a business model are generally dramatically better than those run for free by idealists who frequently get really crabby about being underappreciated, the forum turning into too much work, etc.

Crabby definitions


annoyed and irritable

See also: crabbed cross fussy grouchy grumpy bad-tempered ill-tempered