Coyote in a sentence as a noun

The coyote walked out of the cantina straight with the tire marks down his back like sergeant's stripes.

A coyote trying to smash a bird with an anvil seems a way less appropriate thing for children to watch.

This is how they did it: a coyote paid by Zara would go to Bolivia and give some money to Bolivians that wanted a 'better life' in Brazil.

We know lots and lots of neighbors by sight, having met them repeatedly while walking, and we see deer, coyote, wild turkeys, and much other wildlife while we are on our walks.

He did not walk as a coyote should, he flowed like brown fuzzy water along the floor to the bar and held up a finger, and though he did not speak the owner poured him a drink and he drank it.

It poured over his teeth and around his tongue and down his gullet and past his duodenum and into his flat coyote belly, and then he filled out and stood up straight like a man coyote does, and his eyes had the light of those who have had the very big rock fall on them, or been blown up by the Acme dynamite, or have fallen off the high cliff and hit the telegraph wires and bounced up again.

Coyote definitions


small wolf native to western North America


someone who smuggles illegal immigrants into the United States (usually across the Mexican border)


a forest fire fighter who is sent to battle remote and severe forest fires (often for days at a time)