Cowardice in a sentence as a noun

The NSA spying route is fundamentally based on cowardice.

In what sense does he have nothing to lose?Bowing to bullies is cowardice, no matter how rational it is.

Lots of people find cowardice to be one of the more disgusting of human characteristics.

It doesn't betray the usual cowardice by hiding the assertion behind the presumptuous Why.

As I said, the refusal to risk the harassment he endures comes not from cowardice, but from having other, competing goals that are more personally important.

'Yes, by the end of most modern firings, which are conducted with an astonishing degree of cowardice, the goal is to make the employee somehow leave feeling like they've voluntarily quit.

The reason "cowardice" is a perjorative word is that usually seeking your own rational self-interest by accommodating thugs ends up hurting other people, and I believe that's true in this case, as well.

And there are good reasons for this, not cowardice etc. Meanwhile unexpectedly computation and communication technology exploded.

How the EFF spun this into an uncritical endorsement and thought it was appropriate to throw around insinuations of 'extraordinary cowardice' absent any evidence whatsoever.

Cowardice definitions


the trait of lacking courage

See also: cowardliness