Courtyard in a sentence as a noun

They don't have fountains in the courtyard, they have water features.

The point is that China is a market big enough to play the game on its own courtyard.

I was in one house where the interior courtyard had trees and all the walls were glass inside.

Not so long ago, a teacher put herself on fire in a courtyard, in full view of the children.

The nursing home where my grandma was, had a car in the courtyard for patients with dementia to sit in.

But then you get home and see people building a roller coaster in your courtyard and you realize: Who am I not to do awesome things?

I don't know, I worked in a campus with a huge courtyard in the middle, though smaller than this, and it was mostly wasted unused space.

I've worked as a contractor at apple and that interior courtyard can't be reached without having a working badge.

In the original KWC, the garrison courtyard -- I had thought it might be a temple -- was never built on, making a small "hole" in the middle of the city.

That thing was Japanese inspired, and shaped like a kind of jagged C, but similarly had a large central courtyard, and due to its shape had lots of natural light in the offices.

Brief summary:The story opens describing a statute of Richard Altmayer that stands in the center of the courtyard of the capital of the galactic union.

A similar use case: I noticed the sunlight on the wall of my apartment's courtyard was a bright orange so searched twitter for "Berlin sunset" and right away found a gorgeous image someone had just made 5 minutes ago.

One difference in the urban architecture vs. NYC is that in the nicer neighborhoods, apartment buildings often have sizable private courtyards: the buildings are built on the edges of a large block, with a park left in the middle.

> The Pentagon was declared a national historic landmark in 1992, and because the courtyard is one of the five historically protected features of the building, the hot dog stand must be replaced by a building of roughly the same size, and exactly the same shape as the Pentagon, Eaton said.> In general, the design will kind of replicate what we have here right now, but its going to be much more modern and a lot bigger.

Courtyard definitions


an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings; "the house was built around an inner court"

See also: court