Courage in a sentence as a noun

He's got the courage to call em out. To really stick it to the big guys.

If that day ever comes, I hope I have the courage to go through with it.

It means that if telling the truth is illegal, they should have the courage to break the law.

OP deserves a lot of credit for having the courage to write this. 1.

It takes courage to say "no" and make a clean cut. Kudos to this gentleman for doing what his family needs him to do.

Standing up to power is an act which takes courage. Not many stand up to power so it is radical.

It takes courage to make such an assertion. The NSA spying route is fundamentally based on cowardice.

The latter is a micro problem - learn to have the courage to set boundaries in your life, and the problem will go away. Facebook is a problem of the latter form.

She's doing exactly what a man would do if he had the courage: going into a powerful person's office and asking for better work. It doesn't always happen this way, but it can.

It takes some courage to be honest and introspective, regardless of how you may judge the poster. What you say about this person says as much about you as it does about them.

He did something I'd honestly never have the courage to do if I were in his position. He knows he will certainly pay for his action the rest of his life but despite that he did it.

I thought "It can't just be because they didn't have the courage to start there own company". And then I realized what was making me uncomfortable with starting my own business.

I am currently aware of 5 couples driving the Pan-American highway who directly say I gave them the courage to do it. I have never had a better feeling in my entire life.

In terms of importance, I think this was practically a given, but I've seen statements from people doubting if the Pulitzer Prize Board would have the courage to make a decision that still wouldn't sit well with certain powerful people. Turns out they did.

It took quite a lot of courage to write this post, but here goes: I spent a large portion of the past 9 months sleeping rough, maybe 1 in 10 days in total. I was living in Spain and moved back on my own at the age of 19, with no job to come to, the promise of a house to stay at for a month and 1,200.

If theres one piece of wisdom that this simple pilgrim would like to impart upon you: have the courage to start with the customer. My biggest regrets are the moments that I let a lack of data override my intuition on whats best for our customers.

Your perspective really is something that I think a lot of people feel but don't necessarily share, and I commend you for having the courage to do so. It's a step in the right direction for finding the right means of educating the public.

They found it also gives us more courage to ask potentially "silly" questions. Which can be the genesis of good ideas and help us get unstuck, contributing to team creativity and productivity.

It takes courage not to give up to consumerism from corporates who try to milk everyone for the goal of making money and definitely not for bringing better living to our lives. Apple, Google, Facebook, they have a simple goal: $$$.

The same could be said about almost all behaviors, such as courage, promiscuity, or whathaveyou. However, over time people tend to display consistent patterns of behavior.

Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance.

I certainly sympathize with the urge to pat these guys on the back for trying, but is it really courage or foolhardiness? If 10,000 amateurs have tried to solve P =? NP and failed, do we encourage the 10,001th guy to give it a shot as well, or do we tell him to learn some math and CS first, and gain an appreciation for why the problem is hard and probably not worth taking on unless you really really know what you're doing?

There simply aren't any other jobs for women in low-income brackets in Bangladesh and I personally know individuals who found the courage to break themselves out of abusive marriages and the ability to say no to marriages they didn't want because of the income they have from these jobs. 2.

Unfortunately, I didn't have screen shots or source code definitively demonstrating our work, and Amazon decided to settle for $40 M. My congratulations to Newegg for their courage and resolve in standing up to Soverain. At NetMarket, we were proud of ourselves for figuring out after a few days that we couldn't put the state of the shopping cart items in the URL, since you lost it with the back button, and so we needed to use a state ID in the URL as a key to the database.

An exceptional man, a lone wolf whose strength and courage could be looked up to, but at the same time had to be feared; an eccentric, misanthropic genius whose haughty bearing, cold eye and steely reserve made it impossible to like or trust him." [Interesting anecdote: He had all the walls of his penthouse office at the Tribune covered with dark wood, including the door, so that after your meeting ended, you would have great difficulty finding the door to get back out, suffering under his humiliating gaze.

Courage definitions


a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear

See also: courageousness bravery braveness