Countersignature in a sentence as a noun

For contracts, end result is exported to PDF and signed with Xournal and sent to the client for countersignature.

[1] Other commenters have mentioned that if a timeserver is down at the time of a build, it can fail to add the countersignature.

I agree with comments that the countersignature is both lax and absolutely necessarily from a records perspective.

Do we need to use countersignatures from timestamping services as with other forms of code signing, so that CI systems do not break if a key is pulled?I think this is very much not straightforward.

Normally you'd get a countersignature from a timestamp server so that the verification process can prove that the certificate was valid at the time of signing.

Countersignature definitions


a second confirming signature endorsing a document already signed

See also: countersign