Counsellor in a sentence as a noun

When you meet a counsellor who's off the confirmation bias kicks in.

Are you equating seeing a counsellor with being kindergartened?

School principal didn't want me to drop out, so organised a meeting with myself, her and the careers counsellor which left me shaken up!

You have the people in the trade because they genuinely love cars and then you have the people who went into auto repair because their high school guidance counsellor said they should.

No, there is nothing magic the authorities can do that will help this individual, but unlike a counsellor they might be able to restrict his ability to further harm others.

I think I've identified some of those things, but that's the main reason I'm seeing the counsellor -- I want to talk out my analyses of my past decisions and try to understand them and use my "lessons learned" for the future.

It may take another decade of experimentation before ten thousand failed attempts show the obvious and elegant ways to make more workplace leaders look like your favorite camp counsellor, recess organizer, or dungeon master.

I'm especially interested in hearing about the experiences of people who are deep down in the system, removed from direct student or professor interaction, not a lab assistant or counsellor whose contribution is obvious.

Counsellor definitions


someone who has supervisory duties at a summer camp

See also: counselor


someone who gives advice about problems

See also: counselor


a lawyer who pleads cases in court

See also: advocate counsel counselor counselor-at-law pleader