Counseling in a sentence as a noun

"Maybe the advice should be that men should get counseling or something if they're so insecure that they divorce their breadwinner.

You are shutting down all reasons to like yourself or even to have fun. I strongly advise counseling, immediately.

I can't imagine that, as part of the deal, updates proving that counseling is happening aren't a part of the story.

Camp counselors in North America for summer camps don't go through extensive counseling training either.

Technical details aside, marriage counseling is among the best decisions I've ever made.

" One of the most pivotal decisions I ever made was to seek counseling, and ultimately medication, when I was flunking out of college.

Staff members are also setting up child-centered spaces in evacuation centers to offer counseling and relief for children and their families.

I eventually got off with having to pay some ridiculous fine, perform community service, and undergo criminal counseling.

The sheriff's letter says that Saulet repeatedly was told to improve interactions with the public, and provided with remarkable investments of coaching and counseling.

This from a total urbanite who gets nervous at being more than three blocks from a taxi stand and a wet bar, and who would probably need counseling if confronted by any woodland creature larger than a mid-sized rat.

Klebold and Harris had avoided prosecution for the robbery by participating in a "diversion program" that involved counseling and community service.

There's a lot of pop-sociology that men like to fix things and women like to talk about things, which is used to explain the constant need for guys to give advice, and often results in relationship counseling like "just listen to your girlfriend/wife, that's all she wants, she's emotionally processing".I think it's a bit too gender biased so I've taken that idea and reworked it to "most people just want to vent or verbally process their issues".

Counseling definitions


something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action

See also: guidance counsel counselling direction