Corruptness in a sentence as a noun

I bet this rate would be a useful element in a corruptness index for countries.

The article, as i read it, is about the corruptness created by the refusal of industry to change.

Thank God for the corruptness of islam's implementation.

The tension brewing up in various parts of the country is a sign of the inequality and corruptness in the system.

Going pretty OT here, but I would argue that a much bigger problem than corruptness in government agencies is good old fashioned incompetence.

Sometimes they can be corrupt, but they never really exceed the corruptness of the corporate powers they negotiate with.

This is what pg tweeted earlier today:Banning Tesla is an index of the corruptness of state governments as banning Uber is of city governments.

Beginner developers/designers will simply think "looks good on my machine, deploy and forget" and then we are stuck supporting that kind of corruptness forever.

So are 1 in 3 prisoners corrupt businessmen who have been jailed for their 'corruptness'.Or are 1 in 3 prisoners businessmen unjustly jailed due to corrupt officials?

Attack the TSA on their corruptness/ineffectiveness/ineptitude fine, but not based on "nobody wants to attack airplanes anyway", the evidence suggests otherwise on that.

As for the Wikimania mention and the accusation of corruptness - I don't see that as relevant to the small non-profit claim but merely chosen because there wasn't much else for the author to say. I do not know much about Wikimania or associated corruptness, so I will refrain from commenting on that.

The corruptness of the university accreditation system only makes the threshold unnecessarily high.

People can easily overthrown low-&middle-ranked government officials by showing hard evidence of corruptness over various non-official channels.

We can talk about Hillary's collusion, Clinton Foundation corruptness and such, but how the Putin pro Trump position is not as relevant is beyond me, if not the deal breaker considering the state of Russia / American current affairs.

Corruptness definitions


the state of being corrupt


lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain

See also: corruption