Correlative in a sentence as a noun

I know it's not quite so simple as "add an engineer and make more revenue", but it seems correlative.

There are plenty of successful founders without the degrees too, so at best I would say it is correlative.

To me, this is proof positive that campaign contributions are correlative but not causal.

Medical research, for instance, is full of correlative research that never amounted to a hill of beans.

First, taking this study and applying it to "money" is very correlative, and a decent leap considering the methods for the study.

Correlative in a sentence as an adjective

But these expressions are all within the scope of multiply converging nexuses of increasing correlative potentia.

Alcohol intake, smoking, red meat consumption, lack of dietary fibre, high salt levels in one's diet and obesity are much more concerning, given the correlative evidence.

In fact, Mandelbrot commented on this himself in response to Lovejoy's Great Chain of Being, although he never applied it to the correlative systems of the East, nor the syncretist projects of the Renaissance.

Are there actual demonstrated correlative studies of recreational burn "advocates"?

Entrepreneurship and Academics are two domains that come to mind...This piece is just a very poor interpretation and extrapolation of very specific correlative data.

Correlative definitions


either of two or more related or complementary variables

See also: correlate


mutually related

See also: correlate correlated


expressing a reciprocal or complementary relation; "correlative conjunctions"