Convulse in a sentence as a verb

It'll make the muscles in your jaw convulse from the insane sugar hit.

NYTimes will convulse if it can't pit poor vs rich in every single thing.

The way he would convulse and then have conversations with his Mom and talk to the voices in his head?

The difference is now they paralyze you so you don't convulse and break your bones while doing it.

I vomit from the pain, convulse on the floor, lose all sense of self as I just struggle to survive the sensation.

There are needle exchange programs and if you start to convulse in the street someone will run over right away and give you Narcan.

I got so fed up with discussing Phineas and Gene in high school that even the mention of them makes me convulse in hatred.

Oxygen toxicity comes on without warning in most cases, and you convulse and typically drown.

This article states that people who didn't convulse at the mere thought of him, but sat down and talked to him are the reason why he drifted from his ideology.

It may clog the administration, it may convulse the society; but it will be unable to execute and mask its violence under the forms of the Constitution.

There is a tremendous amount of baggage/inertia in existing car companies, no where was that more apparent than seeing GM convulse when it was bought out by the US government.

Unless these car systems are programmed at the level of rigor of the Space Shuttle or other "screw up and they all die" environments, the only group that's going to "convulse" from computer-driven cars will be lawyers.

"What I've discovered is that SDE is a wonderful way of guessing someone's age: those under 40 or so have rarely heard of SDE; and those above 45 [2] tend to either convulse in fits of laughter when it's mentioned, become very afraid, or assume I'm an idiot.

Compare this to his hypothesis about crying, which is that if its purpose is truly to be a signal, it would have made just as much sense for us to evolve to, say, shiver, or urinate, or faint, or vomit, or convulse, or do any other highly recognizable behavior involuntarily to indicate distress to our peers.

Convulse definitions


make someone convulse with laughter; "The comedian convulsed the crowd"


be overcome with laughter


move or stir about violently; "The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed"

See also: thresh thrash slash toss jactitate


shake uncontrollably; "earthquakes convulsed the countryside"


cause to contract; "The spasm convulses her facial muscles"


contract involuntarily, as in a spasm; "The muscles in her face convulsed"