Contrapuntal in a sentence as an adjective

Could you give an explanation of what good and bad contrapuntal playing sound like or direct me to some references?

All of her criticisms are spot-on, but the post is pretty useless without offering contrapuntal advice.

But I somehow get by programming...Now - if we want to talk about contrapuntal music composition techniques - I'm your guy.

I'd suggest listening to some of his keyboard works, which are easier to digest and comprehend the contrapuntal melodies than some of the orchestral works.

You can understand modern harmonic theory without knowing the details of how it evolved out of contrapuntal theory.

Whether it's the 1st movement of Brahms' 4th symphony or Wagner's Tristan prelude, both composers are going to shuttle a tiny, self-contained motive through every harmonic, textural, and contrapuntal context they can write out before the music ends.

By the time Bach was writing his intricate contrapuntal masterworks, the world had moved on to homophony, and while Brahms was crafting balanced, classically-proportioned works, Wagner and his followers had been boiling Romanticism into Expressionism.

Contrapuntal definitions


relating to or characteristic of or according to the rules of counterpoint; "contrapuntal base"


having two or more independent but harmonically related melodic parts sounding together

See also: polyphonic