Contented in a sentence as an adjective

People are happier, more satisfied and more contented when they feel like there is enough to go around.

But it's going to be contented across all the other users on the same circuit, which might be in the hundreds.

One minor grammar point: isn't a lock under contention a contended lock, not a contented lock?

Every Michelin starred restaurant I've ever been to has made food that has made me contented at the end of the night, not craving more.

If I was a contented Freshdesk customer I would expect to be very pleased by such an article which gives such assurance that they’re not going anywhere.

Like most people they want to do a decent job they can be proud of, be surrounded by decent, contented people and customers, and be reasonably rewarded for what they do.

But every time I need to add another blanket at night, or put on a jacket during the day, or close the window against a chilly July evening, I give a happy, contented, slightly chilly sigh.

I think we've become contented -- fat, dumb, and happy -- but it might also be the gradual swing back towards a police state: useful response necessarily maintains a cautious economy of action.

Or is that just something learned?Is it actually impossible to live a happy, contented life that is characterized by indolence and a total disregard for the feelings and property of others, or is that just something we must all believe or civilization will just fall apart?

We think of evil acts as things perpetrated by conniving, malicious villains, but the reality is that evil acts like the holocaust were not perpetrated by cackling villains, but only happened because enough regular, otherwise perfectly nice people surrendered any personal responsibility for the larger implications of their work and contented themselves to "just follow orders".

Contented definitions


satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are; "a contented smile"

See also: content