Contemporaries in a sentence as a noun

Did headphones really make you look as dorky as the Segway does to your contemporaries?

The box-wing is actually a really old design - contemporaries of the Wright brothers were experimenting with it.

" In retrospect, we can say that MLK was just changing tactics and he never wavered in his belief against segregation...but is that something you would've guessed if you were one of his contemporaries?

In addition, Picasso had a considerable collection of the work of other famous artists, some his contemporaries, such as Henri Matisse, with whom he had exchanged works.

It was programming education as performance art as Wittgenstein's Ladder, so even in the Ruby community _why had contemporaries and inspirations.

Its shortcomings, particularly around string handling, have been responsible for an appalling fraction of the security holes of the past forty years.- C's tooling is hardly something to brag about, especially compared to its contemporaries like Smalltalk and Lisp.

Kwai is one of a zillion war movies produced more than 40 years ago; unlike the bridge, that movie will forever endure, but so many of its contemporaries will disappear -- a fate entirely avoidable in this age of long-tail hyper-specialized scholarly studies, unlimited data capacity and worldwide p2p redundancy.

Contemporaries definitions


all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age

See also: coevals generation