Contemplation in a sentence as a noun

But, after some contemplation, I realized how conceited that is.

In legal contemplation, it is as inoperative as if it had never been passed...

Yes, including acts by employees that, though wrongful, may not have been within the contemplation of Congress when it passed the statute.

"Strange how much human progress and accomplishment comes from contemplation of the irrelevant.

Could we stand the idea of going to work one day under the contemplation of spending the next thousand years, every day, going to work?Boycotts are not new.

We see the contemplation of Islam causing problems, why don't we look at Judaism in the same manner in how it is against democracy?

"The strange thing is, if you see me in the street and engage in contemplation I will probably freeze into polite fear and smile inanely until I can get away to be on my lonely ownsome.

I'm sure that after a few moments' contemplation of this fact, you will conclude that corporate ethics and business integrity are important values to uphold, even when dealing with "rich" customers.

I never heard any contemplation of using the patent offensively, and from what I can recall there was a feeling that if that were to happen, the same thing would happen to Open Market that happened to this patent troll.

Is it illegal in Spain to engage in lewd discussions with a computer program?It's a cool sign of the times that such questions can even be asked somewhat seriously and not just as a sci-fi future contemplation exercise.

Or, as a a "spinning" script might reword it:> Implements and setups that take a corpus of tuber text and create meaty number of changes of that tranquil, to avoid duplicate content sanctions when trying to stuff localities to catch Google's contemplation.

Much better, like Archimedes, to be killed because of absorption in eternal things... There is a possibility in human minds of something mysterious as the night-wind, deep as the sea, calm as the stars, and strong as Death, a mystic contemplation, the intellectual love of God.

Contemplation definitions


a long and thoughtful observation


a calm, lengthy, intent consideration

See also: reflection reflexion rumination musing thoughtfulness