Contemplate in a sentence as a verb

And when I contemplate them, I learn more about the world.

The "good ones" stay quiet and contemplate *******.

The ways in which this thing could have gone bad are almost too ugly to contemplate.

Isn't it their purpose to expose the ideas, and ours to contemplate them?

I would run more risks, take more vacations, contemplate more sunsets, climb more mountains, swim more rivers.

Allegedly, he felt responsible and this caused him to drink frequently and to contemplate ******* for a while.

The law firms here were all exemplary and undoubtedly earned it. Still, the cost is staggering to contemplate for the casual outside observer.

Put me in a garden with a enjoyable drink and I'll happily contemplate whatever comes to mind until I want to get a refill.

Maybe you should take your USD-tinted healthcare analytics glasses off for a while and contemplate the possibility that human lives are worth saving.

The scary thing is that, when you consider the outcome, maybe the Singapore formula is a better form of government, and a lot of people don't even want to contemplate that.

Do I walk away for a few hours/days while I contemplate what to do, or do I simply blacklist the individual?But at no point would I expect others to step in and defend me for me.

Would you rather read 40 papers, each of which is a lowest-publishable-unit, or 10 which noticeably move science ahead?Because of his fame, Higgs had the luxury few do--- he could contemplate quietly, and people wouldn't dare say he was doing nothing.

You are helped not-at-all by the warm fuzzies a fired employee gets when they contemplate their options, but you are harmed immensely by the share of the long-term upside that those employees take from everyone who comes after them and executes well.

Contemplate definitions


look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought; "contemplate one's navel"


consider as a possibility; "I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job"


think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study"

See also: study meditate


reflect deeply on a subject; "I mulled over the events of the afternoon"; "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years"; "The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate"