Construe in a sentence as a verb

I think you've gone way out of your way to construe my comments as meaning something different than what they do.

How can I construe this to not have you reaching a premature conclusion with too little info?

People more sensitive than I might construe that as inappropriate - perhaps as harassment.

Overhearing a third-party say something about a dongle that you construe in a sexual light isn't being wronged, and the world doesn't require you to "stand up" to it.

I'd give my initial opinion based on a first light reading of the complaint, but I'm afraid Greenspan might find a way to construe that as money transmission and add me to the suit.

If it were an article that the government put behind a paywall, you might be able to construe it as such, but even then it seems silly since there's still no limit on the expression itself.

There is no way to construe these rule changes as anything but anti-user, and you should worry when a company breaks profit records but continues moving in an anti-user direction.

Many doctors who apply for and receive grants from cancer research foundations do so only because it is a good source of funding for their life's work if they can construe it to in some way have an angle on cancer.

The media has, in many cases, chosen to broadly construe all content shared via these networks as public when in fact much of it is private, and the copyright on that private material belongs to the creator.

We construe criminal statutes narrowly so that Congress will not unintentionally turn ordinary citizens into criminals.

Death threats and criticism do not construe misogyny whenever they are directed towards a woman, but only when they happen because she is a woman, and wouldn't happen if a man was in an equivalent situation.

They say it doesn't work if you're not connected to the region, and when some folks show that, indeed, the region sim doesn't work when you disconnect from the internet, it's total ******** to construe this as evidence that EA lied about whether it works offline.

To construe these pleadings as the court below did would be to resuscitate seventeenth century notions of interpreting pleadings and to do so in an aggravated form by applying them to the administration of the criminal law in the twentieth century.

If we construe the purpose of the political process as one that's intended to reconcile people who hold competing value systems but who must productively coexist in proximity to each other, then recognizing ideology as the appropriate basis of political discourse is the most rational first step.

Construe definitions


make sense of; assign a meaning to; "What message do you see in this letter?"; "How do you interpret his behavior?"

See also: interpret