Constrained in a sentence as an adjective

Maybe if "web platform" is constrained to JSP/PHP/ASP style pages with no more complexity.

*Which is not unlike how it was when communities where constrained in population.

So, economic models are more or less based on, or at least constrained by, human psychology, right?

Note also that if you're constrained to make a hard choice between only two classes, that's a much easier problem than a more open-ended "what is this?

The unsurprising result is that it has a really bad case of suburban sprawl, constrained by geological boundaries.

"Though of course forbidding bad behavior does tend to keep away bad people, because they feel uncomfortably constrained in a place where they have to behave well.

We're intentionally keeping bandwidth constrained because we know it will severely impact our cable TV business.

Pure semantic markup is a myth: web pages are structured documents, and that structure has an impact on style, which is constrained by the limited descriptive power of CSS itself.

They have these towers, you see, and they constantly have to move them a floor at a time across the city, and the larger floors have to sit below the smaller floors, with a severely constrained workforce.

Constrained definitions


lacking spontaneity; not natural; "a constrained smile"; "forced heartiness"; "a strained smile"

See also: forced strained