Consistence in a sentence as a noun

Unlike PHP, C++ is far more consistence and doesn't have same kind of wierd issues like PHP has.

Furthermore I would argue that doing so decreases consistence in your program.

Its consistence and monolithic make website look good.

The type consistence and runtime correctness is assured by the typechecker at compile time.

Yeah because making the first thing to be the zero thing in a collection is completely logic and does not break common sense consistence or anything.

If those few things do not break redability, maintaince, consistence, or correctness, why not?So, first you get good enough on the language to know you are not breaking those.

In a democracy the perception of a majority is the truth, despite any logical consistence.

When newspapers use style-guides, they are after consistence as well as "emulate" a certain spoken voice consistent with their profile and target demographics.

It remembers me to Enligtenment old themes, a genius programmer but horrible designer, the theme the KDE people are displaying is hideous, not consistence at all.

When you expose a piece of mutable data, usually it's wrapped up in an interface that enforces the access and consistence of that piece of data so that you have control rather than let it up to the callers.

Consistence definitions


a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts

See also: consistency


the property of holding together and retaining its shape; "wool has more body than rayon"; "when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake"

See also: consistency eubstance body