Consist in a sentence as a verb

I was expecting the web page to just consist of "No."

Their board and staff consist of 27 people, including all directors.

I really don't think that posts that consist of nothing but a single link, like this one, should be acceptable.

One or more main control input interfaces on the game controller consist of generalized sockets.

The front page would be 20 times taller with endless scrolling, yet consist mostly of beautifully laid out white space filled with some trendy shade of brown.

The precautions taken against thieves who open trunks, search bags, or ransack tills, consist in securing with cords and fastening with bolts and locks.

My childhood memories consist of playing with other kids in the same apartment building or the neighboring buildings.

Maintaining integrity usually doesn't consist of calling people "******* scumbags".

The public would be wise to feel genuine terror at the thought of a police force that consists of the kinds of people who actually enjoy the kind torture described in this article.

I like that your process for calculating how long you could last appears to consist of multiplying the amount of time others can last by their ratio of working ears to yours.

And it will consist of disabling Apache KeepAlive, and then chanting arcane incantations in Latin about caching for the next hour to make people feel like they were really getting their money's worth.

Medical X-Rays that consist of a single photo are approximately in the same ball-park as an intercontinental flight or two, or working as a flight-attendant for a day or so.

They almost invariably consist of reasoning I disagree and conclusions I disagree with in support of user interface decisions that make my experience as a user worse.

By the time the company has achieved some size, there's enough process and bureaucracy and projects mostly consist of what the OP described -- migrating from one framework to another, or some other incremental enhancement that's hardly pushing any sort of business of technology threshold.

Consist definitions


originate (in); "The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country"

See also: dwell


have its essential character; be comprised or contained in; be embodied in; "The payment consists in food"; "What does love consist in?"


be consistent in form, tenor, or character; be congruous; "Desires are to be satisfied only so far as consists with an approved end"


be composed of; "The land he conquered comprised several provinces"; "What does this dish consist of?"

See also: comprise