Conscript in a sentence as a noun

It's also possible to write Scala in Vim or Emacs and using commandline tools like SBT, conscript, and giter8.

But that's merely an argument for why voting age should be <= conscription age, not necessarily an argument that it should be ==.

The alignment of the two ages is actually pretty recent, at least in the US. Traditionally, military conscription age was 18, while voting was 21.

The Chinese conscript students into internship at their electronics factories?

Conscript in a sentence as a verb

The extreme solution is if every time we as a country decide to go to ANY war, we conscript across all socio-economic lines.

Randomly conscript a commission of intelligent, well-educated people to study some issue, and let them make policy.

Scalatra had some good features, but the installation instructions required an entirely new build or package system, giter8, which in turn requires another package, conscript.

Just because governments **** and torture people, just because they lie to everyone and never keep their promises, just because they put people in jail for victimless crimes and conscript them to be part time accountants while taxing the **** out of them, just because they coerce businesses to cooperate on illegal activities, just because they do all that, doesn't really mean governments can't do nice things.

Proper Noun Examples for Conscript

Conscripting Afghan soldiers to pacify Iraq, and conscripting Iraqi soldiers to pacify Afghanistan would reduce the risk of corruption, fraternizing, and defection.

Conscript definitions


someone who is drafted into military service

See also: draftee inductee


enroll into service compulsorily; "The men were conscripted"