Connoisseurship in a sentence as a noun

> The couple on the left is taking an on-the-spot course in wine connoisseurship.

Once you get to the highest level of beer connoisseurship you'll realize that blends are not a bad thing.

This was a thumping epic triumph of branding and desire over connoisseurship and reality.

For a while it felt like everyone in Tokyo was trying to one-up one another, not financially but through cultural connoisseurship.

This includes purely intellectual skill which, following Michael Polanyi, can be thought of as a connoisseurship of ideas.

How does wine end up being so impenetrable that connoisseurship confers such inconsistent evaluations?

The customer "connoisseurship" culture eventually made people more aware of things like fabrication quality, its relation to price and the trappings of branding.

To quote the late Bob Hughes:"his work is both simple-minded and sensationalist, just the ticket for newbie collectors who are, to put it mildly, connoisseurship-challenged and resonance-free.

""Philology is that venerable art which demands of its votaries one thing above all: to go aside, to take time, to become still, to become slow – it is a goldsmith's art and connoisseurship of the word which has nothing but delicate, cautious work to do and achieves nothing if it does not achieve it lento.

" The people you're thinking of largely never bothered to read him, let alone read him well:> Nowadays it is not only my habit, it is also to my taste—a malicious taste, perhaps?—no longer to write anything which does not reduce to despair every sort of man who is “in a hurry.” For philology is that venerable art which demands of its votaries one thing above all: to go aside, to take time, to become still, to become slow—it is a goldsmith’s art and connoisseurship of the word which has nothing but delicate, cautious work to do and achieves nothing if it does not achieve it lento.

Connoisseurship definitions


love of or taste for fine objects of art

See also: virtu vertu