Connivance in a sentence as a noun

Edit: with the help of connivance from the Democrats?

But yes, the meeting to create the key limits the possible receivers as well as a connivance hassle.

I think this strategy gives a nice balance between connivance and security.

Both cases just prove that connivance for authoritarian regimes only strengthens them.

It looks as if a massive fraud has been perpetuated on Concordia with the connivance of many of their staff as well as whitechalk staff.

> "You probably meant to say 'convenience' instead of 'connivance' but your misspelling perfectly captures my sentiment about Audible.

My comment as I recall was: "You probably meant to say 'convenience' instead of 'connivance' but your misspelling perfectly captures my sentiment about Audible.

If so, that rather requires Microsoft's connivance, since they could refuse to use any such new instructions in their OS, and even refuse to allow programs to employ them, theoretically.

From the early 1990s until now Yugoslavia split into several independent nations whose lowered income, along with CIA connivance, has made it a pawn in the hands of capitalist countries.

The global reaction to Jobs death has been a particularly spectacular demonstration of connivance between politicians, mass media and corporations.

Connivance definitions


agreement on a secret plot

See also: collusion


(law) tacit approval of someone's wrongdoing