Conifer in a sentence as a noun

Burning pine or any conifer is a disaster for your chimney.

Doug fir: a tall, slender conifer with soft foliage and, in mature trees, deeply fissured bark.

It often takes a cycle of aspen or poplar trees, followed by a fire, for conifers to start growing and thriving.

My kids have never seen a Sierra Nevada conifer forest that wasn't sterile and dead, and they think forests just look that way.

Fortunately some of those genus survived up to our time, including the only parasite conifer known that is alive.

The fire cleaning allows conifers to productively seed the forest floor and get growing with less competition in their early years.

If you insist and have way too much money, an arborist can probably find a way to grow a palm tree in Alaska or a conifer in Dubai.

They are a big step up from needles, and deciduous trees pretty much pushed conifers out of every niche in the world except mountain slopes, where the cold plus conifer height advantage gave conifers a stronghold.

Would we have been back to Oregon, though, if it turned out not to be a lush temperate land of conifer forests, rivers and flat arable soil, but a blazing hot/freezing cold dangerously-irradiated vacuum composed of a mix of rocks and much smaller rocks?

Conifer definitions


any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones