Congeal in a sentence as a verb

If I don't know how to start I type steam of consciousness into a buffer until things start to congeal.

The kind of programmer who thinks "getting it done" means stabbing the code enough times that the bloody wounds congeal just enough to compile.

Even if you managed to convince everyone to leave G-Mail, they'd still congeal back into another 2-3 big services that the NSA can target.

If your intestines or liver simply dumped digested fats into your blood, they would congeal into unusable globs.

With diesel engines it's quite understandable, particularly if you have summer-grade diesel fuel that starts to congeal in -15C.

Presumably in the future you would use this process to congeal extra solar or wind energy into fuel rather than keep them stored in batteries

This is really just congealing electrical energy into hydrocarbon fuel.

Cabbage involves pouring molten wax in a thin layer over a hot water bath then waiting for it to congeal on the surface of the water and pinching it with your hands while still pliable.

If you allow "I could care less" to congeal on top of "I couldn't care less" in one big idiomatic mess, you more or less lose the ability to express "I could care less".A more extreme example that also bothers me to no end is "begs the question.

This is kind of the way it goes, we see a lot of demos from people scratching their itch, and then some of those demos will congeal into higher level libraries and toolkits then engines form and finally you see some amazing complete works built on the shoulders of those efforts.

If the android platform can congeal a larger critical mass of talented hackers and developers and they can get into a tighter and stronger feedback-develop-release cycle on their software and their hardware then they will beat the pants off of any of their competition.

> there have been proposals to link it via undersea transmission cables to the European gridA transmission cable is sometimes discussed, but so far Iceland has been taking advantage of the fact that aluminum smelting is a workable way to congeal cheap power into transportable money.

Congeal definitions


become gelatinous; "the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme"

See also: jell