Conformist in a sentence as a noun

Who are these people that want the web to be some sort of sterile, perfectly conformist, UX's wet dream?

But, to become that non-conformist, I had to conform to certain norms.

Being nude at the beach started as a protest against the conformist communist party.

Would it not be consistent with this argument to say that you wish for your daughter to marry a conformist, cowardly man?

I consider that "helpful".> The biggest drawback of Forth is the Catch 22 that attends any nonconformist idea.

"There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: the fashionable non-conformist.

It makes it quite rewarding to quickly post conformist opinions in typical circle jerk threads, at the same time it punishes participating in smaller and older threads.

Conformist in a sentence as an adjective

As someone who has lived on both continents myself I find that Americans are more conformist and worried about stepping outside cultural norms than Europeans.

For most people in our industry, however, the need for a regular income induces conformist mediocrity rather than moon-shot excellence.

A surprisingly low-quality, diluted, conformist list of mostly boring and outdated books.

There are a lot of problems with Metro and Unity, but starting your essay by ridiculing the fashion choices of non-conformist teen girls is absolutely the wrong way to frame the discussion.

A good student might even be more than a bit of a follower, a conformist, standing ready to give satisfaction to the powers that be so that one can proceed to the next good school, taking another step up the ladder of meritocracy.

Our cultural roots lie in societies where supposed secrets traveled fast and \n everyone knew if someone was pregnant or gay or searching for information \n about strange topics.\n\nYou leave out the reason for those secrets traveling quickly: to most efficiently ostracize and isolate the person with the nonconformist beliefs, sexual orientation, religion, or what have you.

Conformist definitions


someone who conforms to established standards of conduct (especially in religious matters)


marked by convention and conformity to customs or rules or styles; "underneath the radical image teenagers are surprisingly conformist"


adhering to established customs or doctrines (especially in religion)

See also: conforming