Conformation in a sentence as a noun

Not to doubt it, but if this is really "the thing", I'd like to hear some actual conformation.

First you have to verify that the conformation of the protein is correct.

Sorry, but Blizzard is not a reliable source for an conformation in this case.

If you mistyped your e-mail, and never received the conformation, you'd try creating an account again.

"Fake it til you make it" works because most prejudices are kept alive because of conformation bias and herd mentality.

The problem is often that we as programmers name things after what we use it for internally, or where we want to end up. Ie, we want an email conformation, but the customer that has to send it, so please do.

I think the way to act is to send out a conformation message that includes an invitation to return: "you are now unsubscribed from all our email messages.

So, by the time you get to tripeptides, you're nearly guaranteed to just be outputting the native conformation phi/psi angles over and over again.

The same bitcoin confirmation, photo conformation, and thanks was also done in the fake hit that the FBI set up around a former friend of DPR who stole a bunch of coke or something.

A zero conformation broadcast to the network with verification that several nodes have seen it is more than enough for POS uses and is near instantaneous.

Even chemists disagree vehemently on why, for example alkanes are staggered in the lowest energy conformation.

Determining the relative energy of a given protein-chain conformation can be done in polynomial time, it's a pretty simple problem.

Unfortunately, when breeders selectively “double up” on desired traits for physical conformation, they also double up on genes that can result in decreased fitness and increased disease.

Also, if they had conformation, why would they have to retract it?And yes, one can read a conspiracy theory behind the phrase "Madsen, who has been attacked for holding controversial views on espionage issues".

Or is it because the hydrogen electron density can partially donate into the sigma antibonding orbital and stabilize the conformation at the expense of a little bit of bond stability?

Conformation definitions


a symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thing


any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline); "he could barely make out their shapes"

See also: shape form configuration contour


acting according to certain accepted standards; "their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices"

See also: conformity compliance abidance