Conformable in a sentence as an adjective

The chairs are conformable though so it wasn't that bad.

As with most places, there is a type of conformable non-conformance.

Try to have a conformable margin so they can use your services without it grating on them.

Just pick the language you're most conformable developing in.

IMO what is needed is a preprocessor with reference semantics that are conformable to the modern notion of modules.

All the way through I was just thinking Commodore 64..Commodore 64...Nice idea, but would still want something on paper in a relatively conformable format.

Even though a narrow body isn't as conformable, I'd much rather fly direct as generally the alternative is two flights - a narrow body to a hub and then a heavy across the pond.

This is highly inaccurate, not statistically profound, biased, easily manipulated and not conformable.

]\n\n Set right, or made straight; hence, conformable to\n truth, rectitude, or propriety, or to a just standard;\n not faulty or imperfect; free from error; as, correct\n behavior; correct views.\n [1913 Webster]\n \n Always use the most correct editions.

They look less conformable than the trackball's moulded fit that, I find quite comfortable, this is not the case I gather?Whenever I don't use a trackball for any length of time I get wrist pain, so if these are more comfortable then I'm interested in trying one.

Rapid DNA reading is an interesting wrench in the expectation of privacy that we currently have in today's society- assuming that the technology gets better and better, what happens when we get to a point where our identities are almost instantly conformable by anyone with a DNA reader?Personally, I think that this is has the potential to be a good thing for privacy and identity security, because no one can hack your DNA... or at least we don't know how they'd hack your DNA currently.

Conformable definitions


quick to comply; "I have been to you a true and humble wife, at all times to your will conformable"-Shakespeare


disposed or willing to comply; "someone amenable to persuasion"

See also: amenable


in keeping; "salaries agreeable with current trends"; "plans conformable with your wishes"; "expressed views concordant with his background"

See also: accordant agreeable consonant concordant