Confection in a sentence as a noun

I'm not sure what "status panic confection" is supposed to mean.

It’s either dishwater or a confection of some sort.

17 years ago there was a candy or confection sold in Mexico containing lead.

Status panic confection of "philosophy of science" has very little to do with this.

Does anyone know if this confection is still legal and available in Mexico?

But, it could be coffee flavoured cream; or "coffee creams" which are biscuits in the UK, or maybe some sort of confection?Yeah, I should just look it up ...

But it's unclear if the confection's origin is German or American.

There's no philosophy in there, and the costumes and rituals were a lightweight confection from a bunch of different sources.

Confection in a sentence as a verb

Wow -- you managed to call crass, vapid consumerism built around substandard unhealthy confection 'authentic and refreshing'.That's impressive.

If I didn't buy the coffee at all or if I liked sugary confection-coffees that cost $10 a day, it makes literally no significant difference in my coming any closer to owning a home.

A lot of people feel that is a confection by Zionists, supported by israel, aimed at making criticism of Israeli policies equivalent to anti-semitism.

Some people really are overly sensitive to perceived slights, and the fact that they're women doesn't necessarily mean the criticism is unfair...You have whipped up a fair confection here from precisely no evidence.

If you want to see a more interesting side of Paris, living in the area which contains the 19C confection of montemartre and the moulin rouge, famous for 19C artists, as he mentioned several times, is not the way to do it.

That pervasive surveillance will be carried out through a continuation of what existed before the Snowden revelations, which was a successful Straussian confection of fake freedom, carefully managed.

It is similarly responsible for the darkened crust of baked goods, the golden-brown color of French fries and other crisps, of malted barley as found in malt whiskey and beer, and the color and taste of dried and condensed milk, dulce de leche, the Sri Lankan confection milk toffee, black garlic, chocolate, and roasted peanuts.

Confection definitions


a food rich in sugar

See also: sweet


the act of creating something (a medicine or drink or soup etc.) by compounding or mixing a variety of components

See also: concoction


make into a confection; "This medicine is home-confected"

See also: confect comfit