Conduce in a sentence as a verb

The official reason is that the "internals of Git" weren't conduce to the kinds of invasive changes they needed/wanted.

> The official reason is that the "internals of Git" weren't conduce to the kinds of invasive changes they needed/wanted.

Political discussions are not bad, they're great and conduce to sharing different perspectives of the same story.

I mix nuts, seeds, avocado, or similar plant-foods into almost every meal because you're right - unsaturated fats are essential, and conduce vitamin absorption.

Heuristics are pseudo-solutions and don't necessarily conduce a deep understanding.

Really the “problem” here is that C++’s functional constructs will never allocate memory, giving them somewhat strange signatures that don’t really conduce themselves well to typical functional concepts.

" Why would ordinary people who purchased a product to "Get answers from Google" be surprised when it sends the questions to Google to get answers from Google..?You don't need to be an ML expert to read the product's marketing and use basic reasoning to conduce that in order to get answers from X then X will need to know the questions.

Conduce definitions


be conducive to; "The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing"

See also: contribute lead