Condolence in a sentence as a noun

The only condolence I have is I see the entire C-team has been fired or left.

"I am sorry to hear X" is an expression of condolence.

I have this same problem, especially when it comes to condolence cards.

I can write a legible hand now, but find that I use cursive for Christmas cards and notes of condolence.

Although it is not much a condolence, it makes me happy to hear there are people to stand their ground for well being of others.

That doesn't give any condolence to those who would have made a different one, but weren't given the option.

Happens to the best of us... If its any condolence my first game app crashed after 10k points for a similar reason.

ProFlowers did this to me. I ordered a condolence package for my manager who had a passing in the family.

The biggest relative spike was when the HN thread about _why became the de facto Internet condolence page.

The correct behaviour is to pull the plug on your shitty promotion and issue a message of condolence.

In Croatia it's still customary to send condolence telegrams.

As a non user of Facebook it's incredibly weird to see like scores assigned to every tribute or condolence comment.

I don't want to fall into some random bs while using their 'usable' DB. condolence to programmers involved to government projects which will enforce them to use 'usable' piece of framework from domestic firm.

When you say you remember AOL, do you mean that it exists or that you remember using it?If the latter, where can we send condolence cards or what is your favorite charity?

Wikipedia [1] says you’re right, and also offers me a small condolence that my misconception is fairly common: “Ambergris is usually passed in the fecal matter.

My dad was paralyzed for six years before he died when he slipped and fell on the ice on a different Minnesota winter day while going out shopping for a condolence card for a friend's funeral.

But it could just as easily be "person beating cancer, household receives government forms related to healthcare subsidies, funeral home letter was a condolence letter sent one year after the death of their parent.

Condolence definitions


an expression of sympathy with another's grief; "they sent their condolences"

See also: commiseration