Conditioned in a sentence as an adjective

I'll need an air conditioned server room/closet as well and a decent UPS.

A lifetime servant is conditioned to be deferential, in every part of their life, not just while working.

I wouldn't say I hate MS - they are what they are - but I am certainly conditioned to be very suspicious of their offerings.

" In a way we're conditioned to expect a bunch of garbage filler that we merely skim, and because that's what's in demand right now it's what authors are incentivized to provide.

Thanks to the fitness industry, were so conditioned to equate sophistication with complexity and to think weve got to work each body part that our gut just says, No way; that cant work.

It can actually be really hard not to question it sometimes, especially if you trust, or have been conditioned to trust, those in positions of power over you who are abusing you.

Crytek deserves all the praise they get for their hard work in rendering......but...Why are we conditioned to think that "the future of gaming" is solely a function of a game's audiovisual quality?

This is exactly the OP's point---the existence of booth babes has conditioned us to be surprised when an attractive woman, or possibly any woman at all, is "intelligent, informed, competent".

The few women who can reproduce are conditioned to use birth control, even wearing a "Malthusian belt," a cartridge belt holding "the regulation supply of contraceptives" worn as a fashion accessory.

I've actually been conditioned so thoroughly by flaky forum software to ctrl-a-c on every post before submit that I don't even think about it and sometimes I'm surprised when I paste later and get whacked with a giant forum post.

Someone who finds the dopamine- and serotonin-releasing effects of alcohol as a teenager can become conditioned to look to alcohol to suppress emotional pain instead of learning to look to people for support.

Conditioned definitions


established by conditioning or learning; "a conditioned response"

See also: learned


physically fit; "exercised daily to keep herself in condition"