Condensate in a sentence as a noun

>Today we learn about dew points?Huh, so why condensate appears?

I understand that we can slow and stop light by passing it into a Bose-Einstein condensate.

But maybe if the desert air is at 100+F then ground temperatures of 50+F are sufficiently "cool" to condensate water out of the air?2.

Let's not forget that not everything can become a Bose-Einstein condensate.

So you are saying that if toast is toasted longer and would lose most of the water content while still in the toaster, there will be no condensate on the plate?

So this color-glass condensate is a very-high-energy type of matter.

Example: Many VCO chips do not deal with humidity very well, particularly if it can condensate.

Cold air in the room is not at dew point, even if it's heated around bread and then cooled again, content of water stays the same, so what is the reason for it condensate?

Then you would have to be able to get useful information out of a state of matter where every possible value exists at once, and the tool your using to read values warms the condensate past the point of being one. Hey - I think you just invented a quantum computer.

Apologies for going meta, but - Only on Hacker News will you see a "simpler" explanation involve the mention of Bose-Einstein condensate.

If I recall correctly, rubidium was also used in the first Bose-Einstein condensate experiments.

At the very least, I know there are now "optical lattices" of qubits made from atoms supercooled into a Bose-Einstein condensate and then relaxed into a very pure square lattice.

Anywhere else, the condensate of thousands of dead generations, the wisdom of finitude had not been washed down to homeopathic levels by the tidal terror and guilt of having left and lost Mother.

Having read a pretty extensively about how steam locomotives work, and some additional reading about steam power in general, it's interesting to read this article and catch small windows in to the overall progress of steam during the era. For example, reading the remarks about closing the steam circuit reminds me of the progress made in condensate and heat recovery developed in steam power at the time.

Condensate definitions


a product of condensation


atmospheric moisture that has condensed because of cold

See also: condensation