Conclave in a sentence as a noun

So those other roles matter just as much as hiring a huge conclave of developers.

Apple claims that the KDF uses salt fabricated into secure conclave in the CPU.

While they are electing the new pope, the conclave will be patting themselves on the back for a job well done on that one.

I find it interesting that I can't find the NY Times quote they've splashed all over their advertising about being a "conclave of tech's high priests.

Pope Francis has stated that he himself got to think about the name based on an encounter with another cardinal during the conclave.

I make my co-founders lock themselves in a conclave for days on end until we agree upon a name, and when that is done, white smoke billows out my chimney to signal the masses that a name has been chosen to represent my site on Earth.

Already, we repeat, this terrible question is being mooted in secret conclave; and should the time ever come when it shall be mooted openly--when loudmouthed and earnest men, fresh from the people, shall bestride Faneuil Hall, bawling for an equal and exact distribution to every mechanic of whatever craft, to every operative of whatever mills, to every laborer of whatever grade--bawling, we say, for an equal and exact distribution to the workmen of the net proceeds of their combined labor; and denouncing in the same breath pampered capitalists, as so many lordlings growing rich on the earnings of the moiling and toiling poor, reaping where they have not sown, and gathering where they have not scattered; upon what plausible pretext will you, Sir, then seek to gainsay them?

Conclave definitions


a confidential or secret meeting