Concerned in a sentence as an adjective

As far as I'm concerned, it's none of them.

This device is a godsend, as far as I'm concerned.

Guess what, those writing the Java servers are 'just end-users' as far as the JVM hackers are concerned.

Everyone is too polite or concerned with HN decorum to say so but you're a ******* *******.

Some members of the board had been concerned or even convinced that a schedule would not be possible.

If you want honey and are concerned about the bees, buy from a beekeeper using Warr topbar hives, doing a surplus harvest.

I'd argue if there was anyone caught or something prevented by one of these systems, the government concerned would be singing from the rooftops.

However, I am concerned that the design of the control panel is busy and may make it difficult to make the correct selection quickly, we'll see.

I assume it's the chatty discussions which you're concerned about cooling down, so this would handle the problem case while avoiding the side effect on quiet/abandoned threads.

The hardware guys are 'just making an interchangable commodity' as far as the sysadmins are concerned, as they virtualise everything away.

The WSJ report noted that Apple was concerned that " AppGratis was pushing a business model that appeared to favor developers with the financial means to pay for exposure.

By the way, I don't know about anybody else, but for the first time I can think of, I'm seriously concerned about the consequences of posting support for somebody like this online.

But the implicit hostility towards mathematics that a lot of these articles demonstrate really makes me concerned about the influence it will have on the next generation of programmers.

Third, it undermines genuine gender equality - if people are concerned about their criticisms being perceived as sexist they will refrain from open and honest critique which is the hallmark of colleagues and equals.

Congress overwhelmingly balked at the idea of any broad assertion of such authority and, in the back and forth, the FCC came up with the toe-in-the water approach just adopted to the satisfaction of almost no one. Even this assertion of jurisdiction will certainly be challenged in the courts in cases that will take years to decide, leaving this whole issue in a pathetic state of uncertainty for all concerned.

Concerned definitions


feeling or showing worry or solicitude; "concerned parents of youthful offenders"; "was concerned about the future"; "we feel concerned about accomplishing the task at hand"; "greatly concerned not to disappoint a small child"


involved in or affected by or having a claim to or share in; "a memorandum to those concerned"; "an enterprise in which three men are concerned"; "factors concerned in the rise and fall of epidemics"; "the interested parties met to discuss the business"

See also: interested


culpably involved; "all those concerned in the bribery case have been identified"; "named three officials implicated in the plot"; "an innocent person implicated by circumstances in a crime"

See also: implicated