Conceding in a sentence as a noun

But the ending is a complete cop-out, only conceding the tiniest hint that he might follow up on this in the future.

I thought it was worth letting you know that I upvoted this comment for conceding the debate when presented with evidence.

This has nothing to do with Microsoft conceding anything - it's simply that Office is far too important to be tied to Windows.

Calling it "Artificial Meat" is already conceding the battle.

If we are having a discussion about privilege, then I am already conceding that in this instance I had privilege in the first place.

Given that the Troll voluntarily dismissed its claims - essentially conceding defeat - I would be surprised if the Troll appealed.

" It's Sotomayor conceding the argument while wondering out loud whether the third party doctrine needs to be revisited.

Sure, if "making the DNS totally unreliable", "baking 1990s crypto into the core of the Internet", and "conceding the CA PKI to world governments" is your idea of "better use of CAs".

However, it's conceding to rationality just slightly, and you're right, a University, especially Berkeley in my mind, is a place where you're free to learn concepts and think theoretically without needing to find a real-world application for at least a couple years.

Conceding definitions


the act of conceding or yielding

See also: concession yielding