Conceal in a sentence as a verb

But, they managed to conceal a lot of that.

Deep, deep terror he was struggling to conceal.

There is zero point in trying to conceal your salary.

One wonders where he found the time to conceal the aliens at Area 51.

The applicant hasn't actually improved their poor skills, they've merely learned a trick to conceal them.

Back in the '70s, Fred Brooks said "Show me your [code] and conceal your [data structures], and I shall continue to be mystified.

It is a little hard for me to feel sympathetic with the need to conceal dishonesty on resumes.

Each one is a clever euphemism design to conceal its true dystopian purpose.

While liars need to know the truth to better conceal it, bullshitters, interested solely in advancing their own agendas, have no use for the truth.

It is to accept the faulty premise that privacy is about hiding something -- that it is an active attempt to conceal information from the world.

Not being an employee of the NSA, he also can't confirm that Palantir Finance hasn't been repurposed to conceal the existence of space aliens captured from Area 51.

"Show me your flowcharts [code], and conceal your tables [schema], and I shall continue to be mystified; show me your tables [schema] and I won't usually need your flowcharts [code]: they'll be obvious.

The real news is not that Apple won't remove malware, it's that Apple is apparently actively working to conceal the truth and perpetuate the Mac-selling legend that Macs cannot get viruses.

I think most people underestimate the amount of boring and tedious chores they must do year after year if they want to conceal their identity from FBI who is actively searching them online.

Cops are basically saying that they can do illegal things, and then actively conceal them during the discovery process so that defendants cannot challenge the illegal conduct in court.

As an H1-B visa holder in a right to work state, my presence here is dictated by either the benevolence of my employer or by my own duplicitousness when I carefully conceal my interviews with other firms.

I found this particular item funny on page 30: "Based on my training and experience, I know that criminals seeking to hide their identity online will often use pseudonymous usernames to conceal their identity.

Conceal definitions


prevent from being seen or discovered; "Muslim women hide their faces"; "hide the money"

See also: hide


hold back; keep from being perceived by others; "She conceals her anger well"