Comrade in a sentence as a noun

I, your comrade in arms, don't know where it's going to point next time.

He meant it more in the sense of 'comrade' - ie, an ally or partner.

Well, in this topsy-turvy world, I will up-vote you comrade.

I'm disappointed by your lack of outrage, comrade.

It's a start down the 'report your neighbors for subversive ideas, comrade' path.

"Sure, it may seem like persecuting group X is bad, but comrade, trust us, we have your best interest at heart.

If you haven't committed a crime how could you possibly need privacy, comrade?

My favourite of the many variations I've seen on this one: "If all you have is an icepick, every comrade looks like Trotsky.

Heroic officers of the army, members of the Worker-peasant red guards, compatriots, comrades and friends.

The video shows soldiers in helicopters shooting at a group of people, some of whom are armed with AK47s and RPGs, in the midst of a firefight in which their comrade's are getting shot at nearby.

I generally write the entire message, but pass it along to comrade to send it out to see if anything is confusing, I've made any typos, or forgot to finish one of my sentenc

Comrade definitions


a friend who is frequently in the company of another; "drinking companions"; "comrades in arms"

See also: companion fellow familiar associate


a fellow member of the Communist Party

See also: Comrade


used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement; "Greetings, comrade!"

See also: brother